Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Creature Anatomy with Terryl Whitlatch: Lesson 3: Dinosaur and Bird Anatomy

This week was amazing! As you can tell from my portfolio, I love drawing dinosaurs, and this week's assignment was to create our own dinosaur-like creature by combing bird and dinosaur anatomy. The result is quite a subtly unique hybrid creature because birds are dinosaurs after all. I spliced a Harpymimus with a Great Bustard. Terryl's comment was that my dinobird was joyful!

Dinosaur-Bird Hybrid: Harpymimus + Great Bustard


Initial Sketches

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Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Creature Anatomy with Terryl Whitlatch: Lesson 2: Fish, Amphibians and Reptiles

This week we looked at fish, amphibian and reptile anatomy. The assignment was to create a hybrid of two of these types of animals. I chose to splice fish and amphibian anatomy. It was challenging to combine the highly adapted fish skeleton to make it appear like it could support limbs. I researched Frog Fish and Crested Newts to make a derpy creature design. I think I could get away with exaggerating the anatomy a little more, for example, larger 'lips' and a more bulbous physique.

Fish-Amphibian Hybrid: Frogfish + Crested Newt


Initial Sketches

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Friday, 18 November 2016


It's all about the mouth with Creature Design. That's often where I start and what I focus on. This grotesque, grub-like creature was based on a number of different animals - see the handy annotated version below!

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Monday, 14 November 2016

Creature Anatomy with Terryl Whitlatch: Lesson 1: Introduction to Creature Design, Tetrapod, and Human Anatomy

I was accepted onto the "Creature Anatomy with Terryl Whitlatch" course! It is a mentored course run through The assignment for the first lesson was to create 16 drawings.

Tetrapod Anatomy

Human Anatomy

Human Hybrid Anatomy


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